• Fitness is perpetual, not periodic or seasonal

    • Exercise and nutrition are daily activities and can be integrated into your life as consistently as brushing your teeth.

  • Fitness is personal

    • Progress and accomplishments are only measured by comparing where you are today to where you were yesterday, not to the person standing next to you.

  • Therefore, the best-laid plans are adaptable and individualized.

    • Your body, just like your daily life, is unique and ever changing, so your fitness program must be modifiable to meet your needs.

  • Working with a personal trainer not only means you will follow a specialized, science-based program, but it is the best way to eliminate barriers that keep you, and many others, from prioritizing fitness -- a lack of motivation caused by nonexistent or sluggish progress and a lack of accountabiility (to yourself) to keep that promise to get healthy.

It begins and continues with you.

I understand that in order to want to exercise, what you get out of a workout has to be worth what you put in. When you work with a personal trainer the benefits of a 1-hour workout, which accounts for only 4% of your day, will be evident because your time and energy are maximized through expert, individual attention. 

Everyone has his/her own measures of success -- both external (your physique) and internal (overall well-being). A Shipper Fitness training and nutrition program is rooted in goals -- your goals -- and then built out using a comprehensive approach that aims to make you strong inside and out.

By building a customized , science-based exercise and diet program that is grounded in what you want to gain from being a fit person, progress toward your goals will be evident each and every workout, keeping you motivated and enthusiastic about working out.

Marked, continuous progress is the key to making a daily 1-hour workout (#my4percent) something you want to do, instead of something you have to do.

The #my4percent movement was started with the goal of making daily exercise a less daunting idea.

A 1-hour workout is only 4% of your day; a very small segment especially when you consider the number of hours we spend at the office or that the average American spends 5 hours, nearly 21%, of his day watching TV.

So set the DVR and let me show you how a personalized fitness program can make the difference in how you feel about a 1-hour workout. 

Have a gym in your building we can meet at? Great! Want to come use my private gym in my building? Come on over! Need a program you can do at home? That's perfect too! 

Follow me on Instagam @Shipperfit for daily fitness and nutrition info and to learn more about #my4percent, or join the movement by sharing photos of your workout and tagging it with #my4percent.