About Eric


Fitness has played a vital role in my life since a very young age. Starting with sports when I could barely run all the way to competing in numerous obstacle course races across the United States and abroad. Whether it was soccer, swimming, lacrosse, or obstacle course racing, I was always trying to find new ways to push my body to new limits.

I am a New Jersey native and Kelley School of Business at Indiana University Alumni. After becoming NASM certified in personal training, I realized how important it was to help others reach their ultimate fitness goals. Now based in New York City, I have devoted my life to helping others be the best versions of themselves.

I have made it my mission to help others shatter their limitations and reach their personal goals, both physically and mentally. I believe in connecting and motivating my clients, and providing them with superior personal support. 

I offer in-person and online training as well as nutritional support. Email me for more details!

"Any one at any time can change their life for the better"

Eric Shipper, Founder


  • Kettlebell Lvl 1 &2

  • Precision Nutrition Certified

  • CPR & AED Certified

  • Obstacle Course Race Specialist