The 90-Day Blueprint, is a 12-Week Online Training Service.
It is a custom-designed program for high achievers who are looking to be in the Top 1% fittest of their age group.

​If you have steep standards, high expectations, and deep dedication to your well being this program is for you!

I will take all the guess work out of how to achieve your ultimate goal and together we will breakthrough boundaries you didn’t even see in your way

I will work with you every step of the way- guiding you through individualized workout routines that fit within your schedule, meal plans that do not take endless hours to create, and face-to-face virtual meetings as often as necessary.

Step 1- Let’s Chat

We’ll have a face-to-face meeting via video so I can get to know you and your goals. We will talk about your training history, training preferences, and go over what you’ve tried in the past. This conversation will set the stage for the next 12 weeks.

Step 2- Gather Info

You’ll fill out a questionnaire that gives me all the information I need to build a nutrition and training plan that fits your needs and lifestyle. I’ll analyze the questionnaire and build your plan that is custom tailored to you and only you. I’ll never just throw a standardized diet or training program at you

Step 3- Let’s Go

You’ll get unlimited access to me through the messaging feature in the app as well as at minimum weekly check-ins that will allow you to ask me any questions you may have. These check ins will allow me to see how your body is adapting to change and continuously evaluate if changes need to be made. This is the time you can also give me feedback on how you’re feeling and progressing, tell me how closely you have adhered to the plan, and send photos for me to assess your progress.

Find Success

When you’re on Team ShipperFit, you’re family. I care about your results and I do everything I can to help you achieve your potential. We get one life on this planet and we need all of the support and hard work we can put forth to get the most out of it. Your success is my success, and neither of us will stand for second place! Let’s get after it.

Here's what you'll get in the 90-Day Blueprint:
1 - Premium, white-glove, concierge-level service. 
2 - Initial assessment via Zoom or Phone Call along with questionnaire.
3 - Personalized online workouts for you customized to your gym, home, or hotel if you are traveling.
4 - Nutrition program and diet accountability tracking.
5 - Body Measurement Tracking (scale/photos).
6 - Lifestyle recalibration.
7 - List of optional natural supplements to buy.
8 - Weekly check-ins for feedback and accountability.

- Unlimited access to me via phone/text for feedback or whenever you have a question

 100% Guarantee of success if you do everything I advise you to do.